Feminism. A word that makes men with weak masculinity and fragile self-esteem break, the word that wants women to be silenced by misogynists because women are asking for something crazy like equal rights and equal opportunities in political, social, private, economical and educational fields but also equal employment opportunities. Women are demanding, sheesh!
Feminism campaigns for women to be allowed to vote, freely marry, to work, earn equal wages those compared to men of the same job position, own property, receive education, right of being protected from rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence and slavery.
And the question is, why do men oppose feminism? Many, if not most, guys do believe feminism ruined women. In a sense that these women that adopted feminist ideologies have changed their habits and way of thinking which frightens them. Who cares about what men think either ways?
Let's be real here, feminists are not free from mistakes. They've sometimes crossed lines and adopted a bit of misandry here and there but aren't all people bound to misrepresent themselves and whatever they affiliated with? But what pisses me off the most is when guys actually wait and pry for such feminists to make a mistake in order to smear feminism.
Being practical, I compiled a list of reasons why men are against feminism and I'm going to discuss each point because people need to be educated about these things.
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- Feminism is against men, it means women getting everything and leave nothing for men.
No man-hating is called misandry and Feminism has nothing to do with Misandry. Literally the definition of feminism is wanting equal rights in everything, nothing more and nothing less.
Feminists are not against men, they're against of the idea that men are above them and if you have an issue with that then you're a blatant sexist.
- Feminism is about women only, the name is FEMinism not MENinism.
Guys really have to make everything about themselves, do they?
Believing that women should be equal to men and men should be equal to women is feminism, regardless of your gender. I don't think being a feminist automatically makes you a woman..
You do not have to be an animal to support animal rights, the same thing with women's rights.
The reason there is 'Fem' in feminism is because women is to give women empowerment and if women being empowered makes you angry then you are most likely sexist.
- Men never benefit from Feminism. It only helps women.
OKAY OKAY OKAY, one second pal. You do realize that feminism is killing anything stereotypical, right? Feminism is against society's view of how men should be powerful, good looking, rich and have great cars, right? They are against gender roles. Men can cry, men can feel, men can talk about their emotions, you don't have to act "manly" in order to prove you are a man. Toxic masculinity is not in Feminists' agendas. If you're against that then you are really messed up and uneducated.
- Feminists want it the easy way out and only care about money
When women get paid lesser than a man for the same job then obviously they will have to be mad about it. When an equally capable woman is being paid less due to the fact that they have female sexual organs, do you see a problem here?
Back in the day, people thought women leaving the kitchen and homes was outrageous! Back in the day, people thought women having the right to vote and choose their candidates was a threat to traditions! Back in the day, women wanting to get educated and work was against society's teachings!
Wait.. this is not back in the day, this is the same problem women are facing are around the world. Saudi Arabia JUST THIS YEAR allowed women to vote. 2016. Women started to vote. There are people telling women to go to the kitchen and make them food because they believe women are sexual objects that are no different to serving robotics. There are people that do not want women to succeed.
People of the future will be outraged for our present disregard for equality.
So excuse women for wanting to leave the kitchen, get a job where their pay is equal and live life but cannot because they're forced to get married, stay at home and raise your children.
- Feminists hate marriage.
No feminists hate being forced into marriage, keeping their careers in a halt to raise children. It's the same as non-feminists wanting to work hard, spend the money on themselves and be bachelors. I don't see a difference.
- Feminism and Equality is different
Again. Feminism is wanting equality between both genders, women get as much as men and men get as much as women. Get over it.
- Feminism back in the day is not like Feminism right now, Modern feminism is a fail.
Okay. Back in the 1800's and 1900's women were not allowed to vote but we think that is outrageous and they should vote. Very well.
In the late 20th century, 1923 to be exact, many were against the Equal Rights Amendment, a proposed amendment in the United States of America (First World Country) in order to guarantee and establish women equal rights in social, economical, political and personal aspects. Guess when this amendment was ratified and accepted? Never. Yep. Never. It kept resurfacing in the American constitution from the 1970s until the early 1980s after a 50-year silence on the topic.
If that does not shock you nor make you sympathize for women then you're a sexist. No compromise.
- Feminism is not needed right now because women achieve equality now, it is not like the past.
Finally. This came up. I'm glad.
People do actually think sexism is no longer an issue anymore..
"Modern" Feminism combat the hyper-sexualization of women, something men do not experience and I will not tolerate any pathetic opinions trying to debunk or deny this statement. Women cannot do anything or wear anything without being sexualized. Women cannot wear dresses, skinny jeans, silky tops, leather boots, chokers, make up and even sports pants without people thinking she is asking for sex. No, she is not. Women are free to wear what they want, they will not forcefully cover themselves up because men cannot control themselves. Don't scold your sisters and daughters for wearing clothes, scold your sons and brothers that harass women.
The bodies of these women belong to them alone and don't question what they can and cannot do.
"Modern" sexism tells men to do whatever they want as well, men should not be shy of doing whatever they want and to not be feared being called "gay" or a "woman", being called a woman is not an insult. We tell women to "be a man" or "man up" yet you never see them complain.
"Modern" feminism combats rape culture and victim blaming. A women wearing a short skirt or short shorts or a bikini or even a woman not wearing anything whatsoever does not mean they want to have sex with you. The only time they want to have sex with you if they tell you 'Yes', a 'No' is a No. No does not mean anything but No. No means rejection. I had to repeat this to the ignorant anti-feminists.
To conclude, Feminism is misinterpreted and misrepresented. Action of self-proclaimed feminists does not reflect feminism just like an action of a person belonging to one religion does not reflect the whole religion. I hope I made myself clear.
Your work simply keeps getting better and better over time.
ReplyDeleteI truly admire how you've shown people out there that feminism isn't about women always wanting more than men but about equality. And that the opinions that they've blinded accepted themselves to believe, are in fact quite flawed.
Your work is simply a source of inspiration to all. ❤
Great perspective thanks for sharing! There's no reason why women shouldn't be treated equally to men, but the hardcore feminist that consistently bring up issues of inequality just to start an argument really annoy me.
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DeleteYES!!! Thank you so much for this post. As a feminist ally you've got amazing ideals and spreading them for all your viewers to see is amazing.
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DeleteActually Feminism is not about favoring women blindly. It is the concept of equality of both genders.
ReplyDeletewow. This is interesting and also educative. Well written article. Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeletethe thing that makes me not say I'm a feminist is because women take it to a whole new extreme...so I just say I'm for equal rights. interesting read btw I enjoyed reading your perspective x
ReplyDeleteFeminism is not harmful actually if representing a concept of gender equality !!
ReplyDeleteI think feminism can get a bad rap. But maybe it has to with some of the spokespersons not conveying their views more clearly. What real man is against women being treated with honor and respect. If you are against that as a man you have real issues and feminism can't save you.